Monday, February 16, 2009

Paper Dolls & Banners

Demi's teacher asked the class (parents) to bring in items to help decorate for Valentine's Day. I received a new Cricut cartridge for Christmas called Paper Doll Dress Up (Thanks, Mom!) and had been looking for a good excuse to use it (like I really need an excuse!).

I decided to create a paper doll that looked like each child in the class and the two teachers. It was sooooooooooo much fun!! I used lots of scraps from my scrap folders and a piece of foam core board Dee picked up on sale at our neighborhood JoAnn's. I cut, Dee glued everybody together, and then I embellished them with pens and chalk. They turned out so cute! The teachers and parents loved it and the kids have had a good time picking themselves out.

I also made a "Happy Valentine's Day" banner -- again using my handy-dandy Cricut. Connected it with gold brads and added ribbon hangers.

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