Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Contrary to popular belief, I have NOT fallen off the planet.

Since I last blogged we have:

. . . created birthday invitations for our niece's 2nd birthday party . . . Dee created a three-tiered ladybug birthday cake & ladybug cupcakes for the 2nd birthday party . . . lost Dee's beloved grandmother, Sara Taylor on November 7. . .had a deer hit us and do significant damage to the Gatormobile in the wee hours of the morning on November 9 outside of Huntsville, AL (on our way to Nana's funeral) . . . planned and enjoyed our older daughter's wedding on November 22 . . . created wedding invitations for said daughter's wedding as well as one for a client . . . created and completed invitations for a January bridal shower . . . created, but not completed, wedding invitations for my Mom's wedding on January 30 . . . created, but not completed, baby shower invitations for a baby shower on January 31 . . . in the planning stages for a dear friend's daughter's October wedding invitations . . . made many Christmas gifts . . . finally decorated our house for Christmas on December 20 . . . celebrated Dee's dad's birthday on December 21 . . . planned and will be preparing a Christmas Eve dinner for approximately 12 people, a Christmas morning brunch for 8, and cooking for a Christmas evening potluck dinner and gift exchange for 17 people at my sister's home.

Oh, yeah . . . and all of the day-to-day stuff you have with a 5 year old at home. Can't forget the precious babies we care for five days a week -- who are not really babies anymore! Layla is 2 now, the twins turned 1 in October and Lexie is 9 mos. old. NEVER a dull moment at our house!!!

Whew! When I can catch my breath, I have many photos to post! But for now you'll just have to accept my best wishes for a safe and joyful Christmas and a very happy New Year!

~ Jennifer

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