Friday, June 11, 2010

Wheeee! What a ride!

Our daughter is part of a multi-age classroom program -- Kindergartners, 1st and 2nd graders all in one room, helping each other learn.  It has been a fantastic year and she has grown by leaps and bounds.  The most wonderful part is she will be in the same classroom with the same teacher for all three years.  (Which is amazingly beneficial to kids with Sensory Processing issues!) 

At the end of May each year the multi-age program puts on a play -- this year's theme was "Reading is a Thrill!"  Demi's teacher finally discovered that we were crafty individuals and as a result we were asked to help with one of the stage props for the play.  A full-sized roller coaster car.  Yep, full-sized! 

We had a blast (I know, we're totally warped!) designing, cutting out and painting the car.  The best part . . . the kids totally loved it.  At their awards ceremony last night the roller coaster car was still on stage and the kids were all posing behind it and begging their Moms and Dads to take pictures.

One of the teachers writes the play each year around the theme.  Demi was Chicken Little.  Yes, the chicken costume lives!  And she still looks as cute in it at 6 years old as she did in it at 4 years old (if I do say so myself).  Other characters in the play were the Cat in the Hat, the Gingerbread Man, Amelia Bedelia, Fancy Nancy, Thing 1 and Thing 2 . . . to name a few.  The play was wonderful and the kids did a great job.

Art is alive and well in our school in spite of news to the contrary - thanks to some amazing teachers; their dedication and creativity in the midst of all of the never-ending budget cuts is nothing less than extraordinary.

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