Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Was Chosen!

I recently applied to be a member of the very first Design Team on the Cooking with Cricut (CWC) blog.  This gal creates some AMAZING things (so please go check out her blog -- you'll love it)!  I've been following Melin's blog for a number of months now and have been blown away by the beautiful things she creates.  So when she announced she was starting her first Design Team, I thought I'd give it a try.  I really didn't think she'd pick me, simply because there are so many talented folks out there doing the kinds of things I'm doing.  But she did, Melin picked ME to be a part of her 18-member team!!  I am so excited and honored to be a part of this awesome group of women!

Our first challenge will be uploaded tomorrow.  So please come back and check it out -- either here at my blog, which will link to Cooking with Cricut (that way you can check out the beautiful stuff my fellow designers have created) or go straight to the CWC blog using the link above.

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