Wednesday, December 1, 2010

"Deck the Halls & Trim the Tree" Challenge

Our challenge theme this week at Cooking with Cricut is "Deck the Halls - Trim the Tree."  As I sat and pondered what to create, I remembered a particular photo of my daughter "helping" decorate the tree when she was about 2 1/2 years old.  Perfect!  I've been working on her scrapbook on and off (more off than on) and decided to create a scrapbook layout as my challenge contribution. (Click on the photo to see a larger view.)

The patterned paper is by Elizabeth Brownd for K & Company; solid card stock - Bazzill; vellum - source unknown; ornament and package stickers - Jolee's; holly stickers - Creative Memories; and gold metallic ribbon purchased at Michael's.  The Christmas tree is from the Cricut  Joys of the Season cartridge and is cut at 6" tall. 

The quote was printed from my printer on vellum and reads:  The sparkle in a child's eyes of wonder and delight, shines brighter than the Christmas lights glowing in the night. ~ Anonymous.

I clearly remember the night this picture was taken in 2006.  Demi was so excited to help decorate the tree, she had been too little the previous year ~ the bead garland was her favorite!  All decked out in her Christmas-y pajamas with a Mannheim Steamroller Christmas CD playing softly in the background, we decorated our tree.

That was the best gift we received that year . . . the joy, wonder and amazement of the holiday reflected in our two year old's eyes as she hung and re-hung ornaments on our tree.  This Christmas I look forward to decorating the tree with our now 6 1/2 yr. old daughter.  It's fun to pull out the ornaments and hear her say "I remember this one, Mom!  I got it the Christmas I was 3!"  And I have a surprise for my dear daughter, this year we will set up our Lionel O gauge train under the tree.  It has been in storage since she was born and I think she's finally old enough to learn how to set it up and run it properly!

Please click on over to see what my fellow "Chefs" have created at Cooking with Cricut for "Deck the Halls" week!


  1. OMG. why didn't I think of dressing mine up for tree decorating? I love her little hat!!!!

    love it girl!

    == dalis

  2. What a beautiful picture of your daughter! I love the way you decorated your page, it is lovely.

    michelle (cwcdt)

  3. Aaahhhh! What a lovely way to keep such a great memory alive in your mind and the minds of your family! Your duaghter is adorable! Such a great page!!!

  4. What a pretty LO. I love how soft this looks. What a great page to look back at:)

  5. This is really perfect for the picture-I love it!! Hugs Cathie
