Saturday, January 22, 2011

An Equestrian Adventure!

Our six year old's Daisy Girl Scout Troop went horseback riding today.  Most of the girls, include ours, have never been on a horse or around them before.  The girls learned about horses, how to groom them, had a led ride, did crafts, drank hot cocoa and ate s'mores.  They all had a blast!

Demi's horse was the grand dame of the barn at age 28.  Miss Flo was gentle and patient -- even though her rider kept asking if she could please go faster.  It was a very chilly and windy day as mid-central Florida winter days go -- 56 degrees with 10-20 mph winds.  So the hot cocoa and s'mores were a perfect end to a fun afternoon.

Demi had the best time -- in spite of recovering from a cold -- and now wants to take "REAL" horseback riding lessons.  As I knew she would!

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