Monday, January 31, 2011

I Won Blog Candy at Going Buggy!

Earlier this month Enfys at Going Buggy had a blog hop party when she hit 2,000 followers.  It was a week-long affair and there were contests all week long.  I entered all but one, I believe.  I won on day four -- the contests was to tell your best funny story.  Whomever could make Enfys and her friend Anne laugh the hardest would win one of three prizes.  I WON third prize with the following story -- which, BTW, is totally true:

A number of years ago my friend and I were in charge of a children's program at our church. We started out in church and our minister gave a children's sermon and then we took the children to a classroom for snack, crafts, and other activities.

My friend's three year old daughter loved to sit right next to the minister or on his lap. This particular Sunday happened to be St. Patrick's Day. And being of Irish descent my friend had made matching green jumpers for her daughter and herself. The minister commented on Kaylee's jumper and how pretty it was. Her response -- directly into his lapel microphone -- was "If you like my jumper you should see my Mommy's shamrock panties! They are Daddy's favorites 'cause they glow in the dark!"

It took a long time for the minister to regain control of the congregation and we beat a hasty retreat with the children!

My blog candy arrived today and it is 3 sets of Cuttlebug dies and embossing folders.  The Naturals die set, Welcome Baby die and embossing folder and Love Language die and embossing folder!  Now if only my income tax refund would hurry up and get here so I can buy my Cuttlebug machine!!!!

Thanks, Enfys!!