Sunday, February 20, 2011

Check out this great giveaway . . . and the Liebster Award

Cindy at the Scrapping Room is giving away some awesome blog candy! 

#1. The Your Story Bundle-- which includes . . .  
  • 12" YourStory book binder/laminator machine
  • 12-9x11.5 Laminating Pouch
  • 12-4.5 x 65 Laminating Pouch
  • 1-Paper Trimmer
  • 1-8.5 x 11 black binder
  • 1-8x8 White binder w/window
  • 1- 4x6 black binder linen
  • 1-8.5x11 Binder Brown
  • 1-12x12 black binder
  • 1- user manual

Gift #2. Is the Christmas Village Cricut Cart; and

Gift #3. A Precision Scissor Pack

Now for the how to's and the when . . .
  1. Must become or be a follower and leave a comment with contact information.
  2. Link the giveaway to your sidebar.
  3. Post about the giveaway on your blog.
That's 3 different comments one for each entry. She will use random number generator to select 3 separate winners, the first drawn will win the Yourstory, the 2nd number will win the cartridge and the 3rd number will win the Scissor Pack. The winners will be chosen on March 6, 2011 and if you leave your e-mail she will contact you and if not she will post and you will have 5 days to contact her or she will choose another winner.

Cindy also bestowed upon me the "Liebster Award."
The Liebster Blog Award is given to bring new blogs into the light. It's a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be noticed and should be. As a recipient of this award I am to pick 3 - 5 blogs, pass it on and do the following: 

  1. Let them know you chose them.
  2. Copy and paste the award to your blog.
  3. Have faith that your followers will rally and show their crafty love back out to those awarded.
  4. And have fun!!
So without further ado my choices are:
  1. Melissa at Scrappy Cupcakes
  2. Kathy at Kathy & Kids
  3. Rexann at I Be Circled
Go check out these wonderful ladies, they all have fabulous sites and are full of wonderful inspiration!!! Thanks again, Cindy! And make sure you go and sign up for her awesome giveaway!!

~ Jen


  1. Thanks so much for the award. I really do appreciate it and take it as a true compliment. Especially coming from a gator.


  2. Hey, I need to see a photo of your car. I loved the description. And I love that you are such a big fan. We in AL are not the only crazy people about their teams!

    Oh, did you see the two orange alligators on the television today. They are like nothing I have ever seen. Did you get some paint left over from painting your car and go start painting alligators? Cuase if you did, I'm impressed. LOL

  3. Hey, Did you see those two orange gators on the news yesterday. If not look them up on the internet. As of yesterday, scientists had no idea as to how they became orange. The news story said that it was not something done by man. Well, I still thought of you and that some of that orange paint from your car spilled on them. LOL
