Monday, February 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award

I opened my e-mail a few minutes ago and discovered an e-mail from Cindy at Scrapping Room.  She has bestowed upon me a "Stylish Blogger" Award!  Thank you, Cindy, I am honored!

According to Cindy I need to reveal eight things about myself and then forward it on to eight bloggers that I have recently discovered.

My eight: 
  1. I am the oldest of four children.
  2. I am the mother of four adopted children (ranging in age from 29 to almost 7).
  3. My first grandson will be a year old on May 1.
  4. I love, love, LOVE to craft with paper!
  5. I come from a long line of very talented women artists -- I had a great-great Aunt, blind from childhood, who crocheted and tatted as well as played the violin -- and did all of them beautifully; a great-Aunt who was an internationally recognized watercolor artist; grandmothers and great-grandmothers on both sides who were awesome cooks and seamstresses; an Aunt who sews and sculpts in metal (she uses an arc-welder like a pro); a cousin who is an award-winning photographer and multi-media artist; and my mother who is a fabulous cook, seamstress, gardener and talented floral arranger.  I guess its in our genes!
  6. I was a Girl Scout from 1st grade thru 12th grade and received the Gold Award in 1983.  I was a Girl Scout Leader from 1986 to 1994.  And now my youngest is a Daisy Girl Scout and I will probably jump into the Leader ring again next year when she starts Brownies.
  7. I am the third generation of my family born and raised in Gainesville, Florida.  My youngest daughter is the fourth and my grandson is the fifth.  So orange and blue runs thru my veins -- GO GATORS!
  8. My better half and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary on February 27th and it has been the best 10 years of my life!
 And I am passing on this award to the following eight bloggers I have recently discovered: 
  1. Glenda at Glenda's Cards
  2. Chris at Turned Gypsy


  1. Thank you so much Jennifer! You are too sweet to think of me for this!!! :)

  2. Congratulations Jennifer on your Stylish Blogger Award! Thank you so much for passing the award to me! Sorry I running so late with this! Thank you also for your visits and sweet comments at my blog! For some reason, I am unable to see the followe button. I will check back later to become one of your followers! Thanks again!

  3. Thank you Jennifer for thinking of me for this award. I also am late picking it up but I do appreciate it. It is a sweet thing to recieve from one of my followers. I will be back to visit as well.
