Friday, March 25, 2011

Sharing the Love & Paying it Forward

I received the sweetest note and award from Amy at Love to Crop today . . .

Just quickly wanted to let you know that even though you've already received a Liebster Award, I wanted to give you another (hey, I got two, you should too!!)... I wanted to recognize people that not only inspire with their creations, but also take time to inspire others with wonderful comments (like YOU always do!!)... So please stop by and pick up your award... And while you're there -- Check out the GATOR card that made me think of you!! :)

This award was created for bloggers who have fewer than 300 followers, but still put a lot of love and heart into their work. It is given to bring light to new blogs and it's a great way to share blogs that might not otherwise be seen or ones you want to share with others.

As a recipient you must share the love and pay it forward by:

1-Creating a post where you blog about the Liebster award and reveal your 3-5 blog picks.
2-Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.
3-Copy and paste the blog award on your blog.
4-Have faith that your followers will rally and show their crafty love back out to those you awarded this to.
5-Have fun!

I would like to pass this award on to the following blogs . . . I hope you will visit them and check out their fantastic creations!!

Thanks again, Amy!

~ Jen


  1. You are TOO sweet! Thank you so much!!!

    Now, I'm going to go pay-it-forward!!!

    Thanks again!


  2. Thank you so much Jen! I just love stopping by your blog to see your creative projects! You're so talented! I'm so glad you enjoy stopping by to visit me too! Thanks!

  3. Your post made me cry!! (in a happy way)... You are just so stinkin' sweet!! :)

    Amy at
    PS... Glad ya like the gator!! :)

  4. Jennifer thank you so much. You are very kind. I am going to go pay it forward now. Thanks again.

  5. Congratulations ladies! Jennifer...I thought it was so cool that you recognized both my SIL, Tami and my friend Kaye! Thank you for sharing this award with them!!


  6. Absolutely love how you incorporated the cuts from EDPD and PDDU. Cute, cute, cute!

  7. Jennifer sending the award right back at you. Love your blog!
