Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day to my Cricut-tastic Friends!

Jean at Jean's Crafty Corner and Kim at Kim's Kreations have bestowed upon me the "Cricut-tastic Blog Award."  Thank you so much, Jean and Kim!  Jean lives in Huntsville, AL and is finally back home again after the horrific tornado rampage that swept thru Alabama.  We have family that live in that area and they too made it thru unscathed.  My prayers are with those who lost so much.

Here is what Jean and Kim said, "Your blog has been deemed Cricut-tastic! Wear this badge proudly on your blog and share it with friends! Since Cricut is 5 years old and they have an E2 out, share this award with 10 people that you think have Cricut-tastic Blogs! You also have to tell 5 Cricut-related things about yourself."

So, here are 5 Cricut-tastic things about me: 
  1. I bought my baby bug in 2007 and about wore that poor thing out!
  2. My Mom and step-Dad gave me a Pink Expression for Christmas in 2009  -- boy, was I shocked!! 
  3. I love Cricut Design Studio and if my Cricut is on so is CDS.
  4. I very rarely cut into a whole sheet of paper.  I love to use my scrap stash -- Design Studio makes using small pieces a breeze.
  5. Compared to some, I have very few cartridges -- only 34.  So I am always looking at my die cuts from every angle to see how I can make it into something else. 
There are so many wonderful Cricut-tastic blogs and bloggers out there . . . picking only ten is hard!  And I just couldn't do it -- I couldn't narrow it down to ten, so for everyone who visits my blog . . . grab that award 'cause you're all Cricut-tastic in my book!

Happy Mother's Day!

~ Jen

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