Saturday, June 25, 2011

"I Feel the Love" Project & Blog Candy!

I'd like to share with you my card for the "I Feel the Love" project.  If you aren't familiar with Madison at Funky Cards, please click the link and check out her blog.  Madison is one amazing young lady and I am honored to serve on the Cooking With Cricut Design Team with her.   Madison loves giving back and sharing the love with others around her who need a little extra support.  She decided to create a monthly challenge that gives her followers the chance to create a card to give to someone who may be going through a difficult time. She says, "I love the whole idea of paying it forward and I hope you do to."  So each month a different person will be selected to receive a "basket full of love." 

For the month of June the recipient is a teacher at Madison's High School that is going through her second battle with cancer.  (Did I mention that Madison is in High School?  Yep, she just turned 16 in March!)

The great thing is, anyone can participate!  How many of you make cards that just sit and gather dust?  I know I do from time to time. 

Here is my challenge to you -- go to Madison's blog, become a follower, and sign up for her "I Feel the Love" Project.  You can make a difference . . . one card at a time! 
This month's recipient is Ms. Jill Pentoney.  As I mentioned she is a High School English teacher; Ms. Pentoney was diagnosed with fallopian tube cancer in 2008 and had a recurrence last Fall.  She has a blog called "Kicking Cancer's Butt:  My Cancer Journey, Round Two."  I have read through her blog and am amazed at her inner strength and courage. 

All of the cuts on my card and bookmark came (appropriately so) from the Pink Journey cartridge.  I do not know who wrote this poem -- I've had it for a very long time. 

My card measures 5 1/2" square and is made from Bazzill's Pinkini card stock.  The rest of the papers are from my scrap stash.  The oval frame is cut at approximately 4 3/4" tall and I had to alter the original cut a bit so my poem would fit.  "Believe" is cut at 4 1/2" wide and I snipped the flower off.  The sheer pink ribbon with white polka-dots is from Michaels.  A little bit of bling and the card is complete!

In reading through Ms. Pentoney's blog I  discovered that she is an avid reader (duh, English teacher!) and so I decided to make her a book mark to go with her card. Teal is the ribbon color for gynecological cancers. 

I welded together two of the cancer ribbon tags from the Pink Journey cartridge and hid the ribbon on the back side.  I then added "Jill" using Plantin SchoolBook.  Once the bookmark was cut I scored the bottom, slipped in a piece of teal card stock and glued it shut.  A piece of ABC ribbon at the top ~ and viola! . . . a quick and easy bookmark.

I hope you'll join Madison's efforts and help brighten someones day.  Funny thing is . . . it will brighten yours too!

I know that I promised I would reveal the "special grand prize" today from my week-long birthday bash -- unfortunately, you're going to have to wait a bit longer for your sneak peak.  Please check back tomorrow and here's an extra incentive for you -- everyone who visits Madison's blog and signs up for her "I Feel the Love" Project and then comes back and leaves me a comment on this post that they've done so will be entered for two extra chances at the grand prize!  I will draw for the daily prizes on Monday, June 27th in the afternoon.  I'm going to extend the grand prize drawing until Wednesday, June 29th at 12:00 noon EST.  So spread the word and share the love . . .!

~ Jen


  1. oh how beautiful this card is. I am heading over to her blog now.

  2. I love this card you made. It is beautiful!! I sent my card to Madison earlier this week, what a great thing she is doing with this project.

  3. This card and sentiment are beautiful.

  4. This is very cute! Love the sentiment!

    amandawoodau at hotmail dot com

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. What a beautiful card Great idea on the book mark it is also super cute. I just linked my card to the I feel the Love project and will send it out tomorrow

  7. This is awesome! I love the sentiment:) It is really perfect. I have never seen this before. You are so sweet!! I love these and so will Ms. Pentoney. You ROCK!!! THANK YOU!!!!

  8. Love your card, it is beautiful and the bookmark is the icing on the cake. I went to Funky cards, I am a follower now and am sending a card out tomorrow!!
    mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com
