Monday, July 11, 2011

Mickey & Friends Monday at Crazy About Cricut

I am thrilled to be today's Guest Designer at Crazy About Cricut's Mickey & Friends Monday! Jenny, like me, is a lover of all things Disney and all the magic that they bring. So when Cricut started coming out with these carts she was thrilled and so was I! However, neither of us was so thrilled when we realized they were a little more intimidating to put together than cuts from other cartridges. Her hope is to inspire everybody to give these cuts a try. They are more work to put together, but SO worth it! Jenny has invited some guest designers to help her spread the Disney magic. We will all be sharing some tips with you on how to make them a little easier to put together, and also showing some finished projects with great ways to use these cuts. I hope you enjoy these magical projects and will head back every Monday to Crazy About Cricut for your dose of Disney!

We are all about Disney Princesses at our house -- as is anyone I've met who has a daughter under the age of 10! And I think they are tougher to assemble than Mickey, Pooh or any of the rest of the gang. My 7 year old loves Jasmine! So I made this scene from Aladdin to hang in her bedroom.

The base is a 12 x 12" sheet of navy blue card stock (Recollections brand). 
It will fit nicely into a 12 x 12 Plexiglas scrapbook frame and hang over her dresser. The frame I have is open on either side -- this will make it easy to swap out when she decides its time to showcase a different princess.

I used the Dreams Come True cartridge for all my cuts. Jasmine & Aladdin were cut at 10" wide by 6 3/4" high. "Aladdin" was cut at 8 7/8" wide by 3" high. All of the paper came from my scrap stash.  I drew the stars free-hand with a white Gelly Roll gel pen. The clouds were created using a mask and a white rubber stamp ink pad. 

I never cut the eyes for any of the princesses! The are too small, get lost and more often than not, never cut properly. My solution - a white Gelly Roll pen and markers. I fill in the eye with white and let it dry completely. Then it gets a second coat if needed. Then I use my Zig Writers for the iris and pupil. Piece of cake!

Another tip for you . . . keep all of your pieces on your Cricut mat until you're ready to glue them down. That way they won't get lost or inadvertently thrown away!

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my Mickey & Friends Monday project. Leave me a comment and your blog address -- I'd love to come and visit!

~ Jen