Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Cooking With Cricut Challenge: Sailboat

"Come sail away, come sail away, come and sail away with me lads . . ."  That song has been playing in my head for days!  (Can you name that 70's band?)  You might ask why is that song running around in my head?  Well, it has to do with this week's Cooking With Cricut challenge.  In honor of Christopher Columbus' first voyage on August 3, 1492 the Design Team was challenged to use a sailboat or make a sailboat inspired project this week. 

I love sailing!  As a teenager I spent every summer at Girl Scout Aquatics Camp -- I also spent every weekend my parents would let me at the same camp -- sailing and windsurfing!  I didn't care what kind of sailboat it was as long as the wind was blowing!  I've sailed everything from a Sunfish to a 26 ft. Day Sailer.  My favorite though was the little racers called "Lasers."  Every other sailboat on the lake could be luffing in the wind, but the Lasers would fly even with just a hint of a breeze!  I bet I haven't sailed in 20 years -- but I still remember the thrill of flying across the water with my sailing partner hiked out and hanging on for dear life . . . *sigh* . . .

Anyway, I decided to make a pirate party invitation with a pirate ship in full sail.  This is just a mock invitation -- my nephew's birthday isn't until January and he'll only be one -- not really old enough to enjoy the "arrggggh-ing" and sword play!

I used the Paper Doll Dress Up cartridge and my ship is cut at 2 3/8" wide.  All of the papers came from my scrap stash.  After I printed out my invitation and trimmed it to the size I wanted (5"x7"), I crumpled up and distressed the edges.  Then I inked the edges with an ink pad.  The "X" is a rubber stamp and I free-handed the treasure map markings.

Now it's your turn!  I hope you'll link up your sailboat inspired creation at Cooking With Cricut this week.  Make sure you head on over there and check out what the rest of the Design Team whipped up!

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Jen

P.S.  Did you guess the name of the band?  It is Styx.  "Come Sail Away" was on their seventh album, "The Grand Illusion" and was released on July 7, 1977. 


  1. This is so awesome, Jen! I love how you crumpled and distressed the edges to make it look like a real pirate map! So creative and fabulous! LOVE it :D


  2. This is so cool! When my son had his pirate party a couple of years ago, I had never even heard of the Ciruct or "inking the edges". I soaked my paper in tea and hung it up to dry - that's how I "aged" it. Your way is SOOOO much better. :) What a fabulous invitation.

  3. Yo ho ho & a bottle of rum (maybe not rum since it is for younger birthday). Great job on invite. Like the Pirate theme since I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow (you can see a sketch my daughter did of JD as CJS on my blog sidebar). I liked Styx music group when growing up and still have all their albums.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  4. Are you a professional event planner? If not, you should be. This is beyond great!! The pirate ship is fabulous and the font you used to type the invitation is perfect. I love the way you crumpled and inked the edges. It is just a great invitation. Keep it, so you will have it to refer to when your nephew grows up.

    Loved the story about your childhood sailing.

  5. Utterly Fantastic!
    Your attention to detail with the distressing, crinkling & tearing along with the hand dotted lines makes this all the more authentic looking.
    Love catching up on your blog.
    Crafty best wishes,
