Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Cooking With Cricut Challenge: Scarecrow/Hay/Crow & Sketches

Happy Wednesday!  First things first . . . thank you all for joining our "Adopt A Shelter Pet" Blog Hop last Saturday at Cooking With Cricut!  It was so much fun to see all of the CWC Design Team's projects and read the wonderful comments you all left me.  As promised here are the two blog candy winners from the hop.  The first person chosen by was . . .

#8 Patti Ross said . . . "This is adorable!"  (

and the second person chosen was . . .

# 23 Anna said . . . "Just too cute!!!  So adorable!!!"  (

Congratulations, ladies!  I will be sending you an e-mail shortly requesting your snail mail addresses so that I may get your Fall stamp sets in the mail ASAP.

And now for this week's challenge!  Melin challenged the Cooking With Cricut Design Team to use a scarecrow, hay and/or crow, as well as one of three sketches for this week's challenge.  After much searching I discovered that I do not own a cartridge that has a scarecrow, a bale of hay or a crow that looks like a crow.  There is a pile of hay on Everyday Paper Dolls and there is a crow that looks more like a vulture on Paper Doll Dress Up -- neither one fit what I wanted to do.  Hmmmm . . . . what to do?

Then it hit me -- I remembered that I had an old K & Co. Fall paper pack.  Maybe, just maybe there would be something in there that would work.  B-I-N-G-O!

Here's the double layout sketch Melin gave us to work from:

And here is what I came up with:


Here's the recipe:

Plantin SchoolBook --
  • Text cut at 1" h (Our Little Punkin') and 3/4" h (2004).
  • Large photo mat cut at 6 3/4" h by 4  3/4" w.
  • Small photo mats cut at 4" by 4".
Doodlecharms --
  • Pumpkins cut using the border feature at 6" w.
Cake Basics --
  • Flourishes cut at 3 1/2" w.
The two 12" x 12" patterned paper sheets are from K & Co. Fall Paper Pack.  All of the other card stock is from my scrap stash.  I inked the edges of my pumpkins and my journaling mat using a honey brown ink pad by Studio G.  A little pen doodling with a white gelly roll gives it the finishing touches.

My journaling block reads:

October 2004 ~ Six months old.

On a crisp October day we drove up to Alachua to the Pumpkin Patch run by the Youth Group of First UMC.  They had some huge pumpkins and several hay bales set up for photos — and you know me, I can’t pass up a good photo op!    You weren’t too sure about sitting on the hay though!  You finally decided it was okay to touch it and before we knew it you had a handful and it was headed to your mouth!

That cutie-patootie is now a big girl of 7 1/2 years.  Demi saw these pictures and said "Mom, I hope you didn't brush my hair like THAT!!!"  I had to laugh!  We used to get asked all the time who styled her hair -- which of course cracked us up -- and we always responded, "No one.  That's just the way it grows!"

In a rare moment today, Demi asked me to take some pictures of her -- we're at that stage where she runs when she sees me with the camera.  So here is a current picture of my beautiful girl!  I look at those photos of her at 6 months old and at her now at 7 1/2 and I wonder where time has gone! 

Now it's your turn! Link up your project at Here are a few guidelines:
  • Must follow the challenge topic.
  • Must be a NEW project for this challenge.  No back dated posts, please.
  • Must have a link back to this post on your blog.
  • Must link your project post through Inlinkz and not just your blog.
  • Must use your Cricut in some capacity.
  • Must HAVE FUN! 
  • You may gladly combine challenges . . . we love to pile it on TOO!
Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out my challenge project.  Now . . . head on over to Cooking With Cricut and see what the rest of this amazing Design Team has whipped up!

~ Jen


  1. Jen, Your daughter is so cute. I love the layout and how you included in your post what you wrote on the page. Too sweet. they grow up so fast!! :(


  2. Jen, your daughter was a cutie then and now look at her she's absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!!
    I love your layout too! :)

  3. Just adorable Jen great job on your daughter is just too precious!! (funny, one of my grand daughters just makes faces when she knows you are about to take her picture) think time flies? wait, my baby is 30!!
    Thanks for all your hard work and always super sweet comments on my work/blog Jen!!

  4. Aw Jenn, this is just precious. I love those baby shots! My Sweet Abigail had hair that grew a little wild too (STRAIGHT UP!). She is now turning 9 - eek! Where does the time go, right? Beautiful layout capturing such a sweet moment in time. :)

  5. such an adorable layout... Your daughter is soooo pretty.

  6. Oh Jen, Demi is such a pretty girl! Your comments about her hair totatlly cracked me up! My daughters hair used to do some crazy things! It certainly had a mind of it's own! Thank you so much for sharing such precious memories with us! Absolutely priceless girl!

  7. I need to do a layout like this for my little one before I get too far behind. She's 2 now. Great job. Smooches... Sous Chef Feli'
