Sunday, December 4, 2011

It's all about LOVE . . .

It's Day 4 of the 25 Days of Christmas Crafting Showcase at Cooking With Cricut!  Make sure you head over and check out all the amazing projects the Design Teams created celebrating love.  You'll always want to see the awesome freebies my crafty friend Melin created for you! 

 Isn't that bear adorable!

Speaking of love . . . I created two cards for my friend Madison's "I Feel the Love" project. Each month Madison selects a different person (or persons) who is going through a difficult time and could use a lift, to receive handcrafted cards.  Crafters from around the country have responded and since June 2011 Madison has collected over 275 cards!  For November and December the recipients will be children at the Pediatric Oncology Unit at Kaiser Hospital in Oakland, CA.

Here are my cards:

I used the Hello Kitty Greetings Cricut cartridge and made shaped cards.  All of the paper came from my scrap stash and they are finished off with some Stickles and a rubber stamped greeting on the inside.  The elf kitty has DecoArt's Glistening Snow Writer on her hat brim and pom-pom.   They are both 5 1/2" tall.

Here are some close-ups:

I've got a couple of boyish cards in the works to send with these two girly cards.  And Monday evening I'm conducting a card class for my daughter's Girl Scout Brownie Troop.  They are going to make cards to send to Madison and some for our local hospital's Pediatrics Ward, too!

Make sure you check back tomorrow at Cooking With Cricut for Day 5 of the 25 Days of Christmas Crafting Showcase!  Melin's got some more great freebies lined up for you and the Design Teams have been hard at work cooking up some inspirational projects!

~ Jen

1 comment:

  1. Jen, these just make me smile!!!! They are sooooo cute. You always have the cutest cards. I just love these. Thank you so much. Have fun with the girls making cards:) Be sure to thank them for me for giving their time to this project. You are all so awesome!
