Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cooking With Cricut Challenge: Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss & Read Across America

Happy Wednesday!  Welcome to challenge day at!  I haven't prepared anything for today's challenge as we are in the midst of moving.  Yuck!  But, you will definitely want to head on over to and check out all of the amazing projects the Design Team created and meet the SIXTEEN new DT members and welcome back the THIRTEEN returning DT members!

It is going to be an amazing Spring and Summer with these incredibly talented ladies! 

~ Jen

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miss Jen, just wanted to stop by, say hello and thank you for all of your hard work with CWC and the new team :) I can see that you are a key element to our "little" group hehe and I hope you know how much you are appreciated! I'm so very excited to have the opportunity to design with you and the rest of the fabulous CWC ladies, what a fun adventure this will be! OH, I know what a pain moving is, but it'll all be over soon and you'll be all settled in with a renewed sense of accomplishment, right! ;) At any rate, I hope it's fairly painless for ya and big hugs for a happy weekend! xoxo
