Thursday, May 31, 2012

"I Feel the Love" Project for Brandon

Brandon is 4 years old and was in a horrific accident that killed the driver, injured his mother, aunt and little sister.  Despite being in a car seat, Brandon suffered a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury and was oxygen deprived for too long for a reasonable chance at recovery. Despite dire predictions early on, Brandon has had remarkable accomplishments in rehab. He is considered tetraplegic, which means he can move one limb from time to time; he remains trach and ventilator dependent, with little likelihood that he will ever be weaned from the ventilator  due to his neurological damage from the accident.

As one of our Cooking With Cricut challenge Wednesdays our Design Team made cards for Brandon -- and due to some family issues I was unable to complete mine.  So here it is, just in the nick of time to link it up to Madison's "I Feel the Love" Project for May.  Brandon will be spending quite a lot of time in the hospital and then in a rehabilitation center.  He loves super heroes and I thought he might enjoy having this cheerful banner featuring "The Incredibles" to hang in his room, instead of a card.  I used the Cricut Best of Pixar cartridge for all of the characters and Mickey Font for his name.

I'll try and get all the details and sizes on here this weekend along with a picture of the banner after it is laminated and tied together.

~ Jen

P.S.  I'm entering this into The Paper Variety:  Anything But a Layout or Card Challenge.


  1. Jen this is so awesome. What an adorable project. So sweet of you to make this wonderful banner for Brandon.

  2. Jen, this is amazing and so perfect for Brandon!! I love it so much:) I will wait to send the package until this arrives. I know you are dealing with a lot of things. Praying for you:) God Bless.

  3. WOW, This is amazing!! Brandon is going to LOVE it. so glad you could join us at the Paper Variety in our latest challenge. Check out my blog for a blogaversary giveaway

  4. Great job Jen as always! Love banners! Thanks for linking up with TPV- Holly :-)
