Friday, March 15, 2013

Cards for Claire & Digi Desserts Fridaze

TGIF!  And if it is Friday that means it's digi-time at!  My daughter's Brownie Troop made cards for Claire, this month's recipient at "I Feel the Love" Project.  The Brownies are all 7, 8 and 9 years old and they LOVED Melin's digi stamps from Paper  As a matter of fact, I was severely chastised for not bringing them more than one card a piece to color!  They were so thrilled to make something to brighten Claire's day!  Here is what the girls created:

Alyssa, age 7
PCW File used:  Flowers & Bees DS

Autumn, age 7
PCW File used:  You're So Tweet

Christi, age 7
PCW File used:  Brown Bunny with Hat

Darian, age 9
PCW File used:  Bluebird in Flower

Demi, age 8

Hailey, age 7
PCW File used:  Bunny Showers of Love

Katy, age 7
PCW File used:  Heart Bear

Kiara, age 7
PCW File used:  Soda-Lightful

Lila, age 7
PCW File used:  Bear Princess Standing

Lily, age 7
PCW File used:  Lamb I Love EWE set

Lindsey, age 7
PCW File used:  Bird and Birdhouse

Didn't the girls do a great job!

Now it's your turn to play along!  Create something using a digital image and link to the Digi Desserts Fridaze post at  If you use an image from, you will receive 2 chances to win.  It's easy to participate in our Link Up.  There's a tab on the home page that will bring you directly to the DDF page whenever you're ready to share your project. Link Up your digital design for a chance to win a free single image from Paper Crafting World.

Thanks for stopping by!

~ Jen

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