Wednesday, December 29, 2010

PPC Grand Creations Runner Up!

I entered the book I made for my daughter for Christmas at Picture Perfect Creations - Crafty Challenges Blog in their Specialty Challenge #2.  The call was for anything Christmas-related and "Gabriel's Tale" fits the bill!  I just clicked over a few minutes ago and was totally shocked to see that I was a Grand Creations Runner Up!!  Now there is no prize or cash or anything else related to this challenge.  But to be recognized by your peers as creating something "unique and inspiring" is the greatest reward. 

Thanks . . . I just had to share my excitement with folks who would understand!


  1. Great Job! Anything you do deserves Grand Champion in my book.

  2. YEAH!!!! Way to go girl! That project was one of the finest works of (h)art I saw this Christmas season! I am so happy for you! Congrats and Happy New Year...Melin
