Monday, January 3, 2011

2010: Year in Review

2010 . . . what a year!  We started out the year going gangbusters and ended it the same way, it seems.  The other day I was flipping through my photos from this year -- I keep my digital photos stored by the month on my hard drive and on my external drive (can't be too safe!) -- and decided to create a scrapbook layout for my youngest daughter's book.  She has changed so much this past year and there were so many significant events that occurred that I really wanted to document them somehow.

On a recent trip to our local Michael's, I challenged my daughter to find some 12 x 12 paper that had clocks on it.  Score!  She found the best paper and it became the background paper for the layout.  It is by Recollections and is called Time Frame:  Clock Works.  All of the other paper came from my scrap stash and the text boxes were created on my computer using Microsoft Publisher.  (Remember, you can click on the pictures to make them larger.)

Cartridges used:

Calligraphy Collection - text, text shadow, and brackets.  (Text shadow cut at 1 1/2" and the brackets were cut at 3 1/2".  It is actually a frame that I cut apart to make the brackets.)

Tags, Bags, Boxes & More - frame (Cut at 8").  This is the hangr2 cut, on  page 106.  I cut it using the Mirror/ Windows feature and trimmed the hangers off.

Paper Dolls for Everyday - Baby New Year and sleeper outfit.  (Cut at 1 1/4" tall.)

Paper Doll Dress Up - Father New Year, staff, robe, sandals, and top hat.

The ribbon is a 7/8" wide satin edged shear.  I trimmed a small piece and cut the satin edge off for Baby New Year's hat band.

The "bling" in between the photos and text are clear self-adhesive rhinestones purchased at Michael's.

Thanks for taking a look!  

Leave me a comment and let me know you stopped by!


  1. Wow I LOVE LOVE LOVE this idea. What a wonderful way to remember the year!


  2. This is a fantastic idea. And I love how you presented it. Happy New Year!

  3. Absolutely love this layout! Kudos to DD for finding that perfect paper! And congrats to you for winning one of the blog candies from the Calendar Blog Hop! If you get a minute, please stop by my blog at I have a new challenge posted (with a great prize), my first ever Design Team Call is up and I'm looking for 4 more bloggers for my *I Have A Dream* blog hop! I'd love to have you join in the fun! Thanks for being such an amazing blogger karelj

  4. This is really cute! I love how you were able to include so much in one layout :)
