Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Cooking With Cricut Challenge: Lion & Lamb

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Our challenge this week over at Cooking With Cricut was to incorporate a lion and/or a lamb into our project.  I have to tell you -- this one stumped me.  I thought and I thought and I just couldn't come up with anything worth cutting out.  So after procrastinating for a week, I finally sat down, opened up Design Studio and stared at my computer screen.  Then I played a round or two of Internet backgammon (I won both matches, by the way);  checked my e-mail, went over to Facebook for awhile, cruised my favorite blogs . . . well, you get the idea. 

Finally, a light bulb went on!  I've been wanting to create a 12 x 12 calendar topper for each month -- a perpetual calendar of sorts.  I have one of those plexiglas scrapbook page frames that hangs over my desk.  So I decided to make a topper for my March calendar.  (I know, it's the 23rd of March -- better late, than never!)  Remember, you can click the image to enlarge it.

I used the following cartridges for this project:

Cindy Loo:  The text is cut at 1 1/2" tall and is from DCWV Mediterranean paper pack.

Create-A-Critter:  Clouds cut from white card stock at 1 1/4" tall.

Everyday Paper Dolls:  Tree (cut twice -- once from a brown Bazzill and the second from a green and white polka dot paper) at 5 1/2" tall; grass cut at 12" wide; lion (cut twice from two shades of brown) cut at 3 3/8" tall; and the kites cut at 3 7/8" tall.

Paper Doll Dress Up:  Sheep (cut twice -- from grey and from white) cut at 2 3/8" tall.

My base paper is a 12" x 12" Bazzill card stock called "Splash."  I used white wire for the kite strings.  A little pen doodling and some chalk finished this project up. 

I hope you'll roar on over to Cooking With Cricut and see what my fellow Chefs have whipped up!  And please join us in our lion and lamb challenge and upload your project -- you could be this week's Top Chef!

~ Jen

P.S.  Leave me a comment and your blog address.  I'd love to come visit and see what fantastic things you're creating!


  1. HA HA!! You totally crack me up!! That is EXACTLY how I figure things out (stare at the computer screen, play online games, LOL...)... I'm so glad I'm not alone in that!! I'm also glad to hear you won both games!!

    Your project is SUPER!! That lamb is my personal favorite, and I adore that they are flying kites!! :) TFS!!

    Amy :) at

  2. Soooo cute!!Love how you incorprated both lamb and lion!! Nice job

  3. How cute! I love that the kites!

  4. Very cute Layout!!! Great game!!!
    Karla U

  5. I'm baaaaaaaaack... :) Just quickly wanted to let you know that even though you've already received a Liebster Award, I wanted to give you another (hey, I got two, you should too!!)... I wanted to recognize people that not only inspire with their creations, but also take time to inspire others with wonderful comments (like YOU always do!!)... So please stop by and pick up your award... And while you're there -- Check out the GATOR card that made me think of you!! :)

    Amy :) at

  6. I was so excited to see that your a GATOR FAN!!! Me TOO:) My Daughter graduated from there last spring! GO GATORS!!!
    Love your calendar topper!! With you doing it that way you can use it every year!!

  7. I am interested in making an easel card but I don't know how. Can you help. Is there any place I could see a how-to-video. I love your cards. the last one was beautiful and this one is the cutest.
