Monday, October 25, 2010

Moving . . . UGH!

Last Tuesday we found out we were moving and the kicker is we have to be out of our current rental by midnight on Halloween!  How does one move a household of three in 12 days?  Not easily, especially since we've been here five years and it seems that everything has multiplied since we moved in - even though two grown children have flown the coop and taken their stuff with them.  This will be my last post for a little while as I am packing up the craft room (sob!) and my office (double sob!). 

When I come back I'll have a couple of things to share with you -- two adorable Halloween costumes I made and my niece's 3rd birthday invitation.  I've got things for three baby showers to create as well as things for my niece's birthday, cards for six birthdays in November and December . . . oh, yeah . . .  AND Christmas.  (I think the craft room may very well get put back together before the kitchen!)

Melin has graciously allowed me to be in absentia at Cooking with Cricut, but I'll be back for the mid-November challenges.  Go check out her blog -- my fellow Design Team members are among some of the most creative and talented people I've ever had the privilege to craft with!!!

See you soon!


  1. I hope everything goes smooth DT Sista Chef. Can't wait until you are back with us!


  2. Hey girlie!!! May it go as smooth as possible. I am so sorry for the unexpected interruption in your life. But hopefully once you get settled into your new digs, it will be even better for you :-) Until then, many blessings my friend...Melin

  3. hope you are finally settling in.

    -- dalis
