Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm baaaaaaack . . . kind of!

Move - completed. 
Craft room set-up - mostly.
Office set-up - mostly.
Kitchen unpacked - mostly.
All the boxes unpacked - not even!
Garage - looks like a tornado whirled thru!

We moved into our new house on October 27th; we finally had everything out of our old house on November 2nd; November 9th Dee's Dad arrived to spend the winter with us; and on November 10th I came down with the flu and have been battling it ever since.  Yesterday I finally was able to stay out of bed most of the day and am feeling a little stronger today.  My family has been hit hard with the crud this Fall -- my son is almost over his bout with pneumonia and yesterday my Mom's doc told her she had pneumonia.  This is my second go-round with the cold/sinus/flu and my youngest daughter was sick for two days at the beginning of our move.  YUCK!  Buy stock in Kleenex . . . we've already blown through three boxes in the last month!

As promised here are the photos of the two Halloween costumes I was commissioned to create.  First a lovely pink & purple butterfly featuring a hand-tied tutu and glittering wings for an adorable two-year old.

And a ladybug costume for a precious baby girl . . . hand-tied tutu, layered wings, and a beanie with antenna.

I'm hoping to participate in next week's challenge over at Cooking with Cricut - make sure you go and check out what my fellow "Chefs" have created this week! They are an incredibly talented group of women!