Friday, January 14, 2011

Baby Update #1!

It's a girl!

Happy birth day, Kylie! 

Kylie Rhyann Branum was born this morning at 10:51 a.m.  She weighs 6 lbs. 4 1/2 ozs.  Mommy, baby and Daddy are doing well!

I'll be back later with news of the second baby who is currently being delivered via c-section.  Who knew that my sister-in-law and nephew's girlfriend would both deliver on the same day?  At the same hospital!  Kylie came two weeks early and Evan is about 3-4 weeks early.


  1. Such a sweet baby, a big congrats to your family!

  2. Awesome !!! GOD bless those babies-Thanks to GOD ! Congratulations for the new babies on your family !

    Have a great Thursday ;-)
