Friday, January 14, 2011

Sneak Peak!

It has been a busy week -- COLD, but busy!  My grandson got his first tooth Wednesday night, with a second one due to break through any minute.  Our nephew, Josh and his girlfriend, Crystal are at the hospital in labor and delivery as I write this, awaiting the birth of their first child.  And I have been prepping for a card making class.  Not for my usual group of adults, though.  Nope, this class is for a special group of people . . . eight 5, 6 and 7 year olds!

My daughter is in a multi-age classroom -- Kindergarten, first and second graders all in one class.  On Fridays they have "clubs" -- clubs are run by volunteers and can be whatever you choose to come in and share for 45 minutes for four weeks.  Demi has participated in a "Fancy Nancy" club (based on the children's books by the same name) and has come home with her nails painted, her hair done up "all fancy", etc; a cooking club where they made dirt cups, cupcakes and other treats; and several others.  Since the beginning of the year Demi has been begging me to come and teach a card making class -- "just like the grown-up one you do, Mom!"  The first two rounds of clubs hit at bad times for us and so I told her I would do one after the first of the year.  And so . . . here we are, it's after the first of the year and it's time for clubs to begin.  

Demi and I sat down and went through the Create-A-Critter cartridge book (her favorite) and she picked out her favorite designs.  Our first class will feature a birthday card and a small gift bag.  Here is a sneak peak at what I'll be sharing.  Stay tuned for pictures of their completed creations!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jennifer, Wow its sound like you have a busy week:) I hope your grandson is doing ok the first tooths can make them pretty grumpy and how exciting with you nephew's baby on the way!! Congrats to them. The Create a Critter is a fun cart & one of my favorites:) I'm sure the kids will have fun! Have a fantastic weekend:)
