Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cooking With Cricut: There's Cash in Your Stash!

Our challenge this week at Cooking With Cricut, in honor of the dreaded Tax Day on April 15, is to use something from our stash that is over one year old or to use money in or on our project somewhere.  Noooo problem!  I use my stash all the time!!!

I created a card for our youngest daughter's seventh birthday.  She had a "Secret Garden" themed party and I just happened to have some left over die cuts from our older daughter's baby shower last April.  The ribbon (flower stem) is left over from a wedding invitation I created two years ago for a friend.  The only thing new on this card is the poem I wrote for my baby girl! 

(Disclaimer:  I do not claim to be a poet.  Read at your own risk!)

The card base is a pale green Bazzill card stock.  The mat is from DCWV Nana's Nursery:  Baby Girl paper pack  The flower, leaf and bee were cut using the Walk in My Garden cartridge.

The poem is printed on a mat cut from "Just Because" Cards cartridge.

So check out your craft storage and see what kind of "old" stuff you've got lying about that you can use.  Link your project up at Cooking With Cricut and maybe you'll be one of this week's Top Chefs!

Thanks for stopping by -- make sure you pop on over to Cooking With Cricut and see what my fellow Chefs have whipped up for your viewing pleasure!

~ Jen


  1. What a sweet card. I now she will love it. Your poem is beautiful. Hugs :)


  2. What a sweet card adn poem. Definitely a keeper!
