Monday, April 11, 2011

Thank You & Blog Candy Winner

Thank you to everyone for all of your wonderful comments and feedback on my Easter-inspired projects during the Cooking With Cricut Bunny Hop on Saturday!  I read each and every one of them!  And I have enjoyed going and taking a look at the new follower's blogs (if you have one).  Boy, oh boy, are you ladies talented!!  It was also fun to see everyone's answers about their favorite Easter treats -- Chocolate Bunnies, Chocolate Eggs, Cadbury Eggs (regular and caramel) , Jelly Beans and Peeps were the top five faves!  I personally love the Cadbury Robin's Eggs . . . crunchy outside, yummy chocolate inside.

I finally got to take my hop down the bunny trail late Saturday evening.  And I  have to tell you . . . I am truly honored to be a part of such a talented group of women!  You gals rocked the challenge and posted some beautiful projects.

The reason I was sooooo late in hopping is . . . our baby just turned seven.  SEVEN!  It's so hard to believe that she could possible be that old already!  Anyway, her birthday always falls during our school system's Spring Break and her friends are usually out of town with their families.  So we held her "girlfriend" party the weekend after her birthday, which was this past weekend.  So while you all were hopping along, we were preparing a "Secret Garden" birthday party and then hosting nine giggling little girls and their mommies.  Everyone had so much fun ~ and our daughter declared it the best birthday EVER!  I'll have pictures up soon of the amazing cake Dee made and all of the Cricut-y projects I created for the event.

One last thank you . . . Glenda at Glenda's Cards has honored me with The Versatile Blogger Award.  Thank you so much, Glenda ~ I truly appreciate your kindness and generosity!  Please be sure to go over to Glenda's blog and check our her beautiful and inspirational work.

The rules after receiving the award are:

1. Thank the person who sent it to you.
2. Tell seven things about yourself.
3. Send this award on to 15 bloggers.  (I'm passing it on to ten.)

Seven things about me . . .
  1. I am at the halfway mark between 40 and 50 (for a couple more months, anyway).
  2. I was born and raised in Gainesville, Florida, as was my grandfather and my mother. 
  3. I am the mother of four adopted children, who range in age from 29 to 7.
  4. In 1999, I was lucky enough to have met my soul mate and we just celebrated ten amazing years together.
  5. I have had two carpal tunnel surgeries on my right hand and one on my left (typing 130+ correct words per minute for too many years is not good for your wrists!)
  6. In my "previous life" (see #5) I was a word processor, desktop publisher/typesetter, web site designer, and facilities coordinator for a 3000+ member church.
  7. I am blessed with an abundance of nieces and nephews and one sweet grandson who will celebrate his first birthday on May 1st.
So the award goes to . . . . my fellow Cooking With Cricut Design Team members for an amazing blog hop!

Roberta - TX Scrapper Mom
Dalis - Stamper Girl

And to Karla who had to pull out at the last minute due to a family emergency ~

And now, the moment you've all been waiting for . . . .

The blog hop winner of the beautiful digi-stamp from Melin at Cooking With Cricut & Paper Crafting World, as chosen by is . . . . (drum roll, please!) . . .

#60 Jessica said . . .  Love the boxes! And the idea to not hide the chocolate inside the eggs. We're in hot Houston, so that's a great tip, too. Your egg hunt participants are going to love these!

Congratulations, Jessica!  Please send me an e-mail (jlhudson2 at cox dot net) so that I may send your digi-stamp via return e-mail.

Don't forget to stop back by Wednesday morning to see what I've whipped up for this week's Cooking With Cricut challenge!


~ Jen