Monday, November 19, 2012

Cartridge Showcase: Joys of the Season

Today over at I have teamed up with my fellow CWC Design Team member, Court of Court's Craft Corner, to bring you all things Christmassy with the Cricut Joys of the Season (JOTS) cartridge.  This is the first holiday/seasonal cartridge I purchased and it is the only Christmas cartridge I had until just recently.  So I have used it a lot!

Here is what I created just for today's showcase . . .

This is an interactive banner/wall hanging for my 8 year old daughter.  Her Winter Break from school starts December 20 and classes resume on January 3.  The holidays are always such a busy time and quite often I'm not as available as she needs me to be.  This little project will ensure that my girl gets special "Momma time" each day.  Each of the pockets has a tag with an activity that she and I will do together.  

There is a tag for each day, except Sundays.  Here is a sampling of what is on the tags:
  • On the 1st day of Winter Break my Momma said to me:  "Let's bake some Christmas cookies."
  • On the 5th Day of Winter Break my Momma said to me . . . “Merry Christmas!  Let’s spend the day with family.”
  • On the 6th Day of Winter Break my Momma said to me . . . “Let’s pop some corn and watch a movie.”
  • On the 10th Day of Winter Break my Momma said to me . . . ”It’s New Year’s Eve—let’s stay up late!”
  • On the 12th Day of Winter Break my Momma said to me . . . ”What do you want to do today?”
The pockets are the gift card holder on the JOTS cartridge and they measure 4" tall by 2 7/8" wide.  The tags are also 4" tall, but measure 2 1/4" wide.  The numbers are the "12 Days of Christmas" numbers and they are 1 1/4" tall.  I used tons of left over stickers to decorate the pockets and tags.  The little gingerbread man and woman are 4" tall and were cut using the Gingerbread cartridge. 

Next up is one of my all-time favorite scrapbook layouts.  Most of the cuts were made using the JOTS cartridge.  For more details on the cartridges used and the cut sizes click here.

Here's a quick little gift card holder.  The "J" Christmas stocking, the "O" snowflake and the tag are all from the JOTS cartridge.  Click here for the original post for more details.

I love to use my Cricut to cut fabric!  I have made so many shirts and onesies for the kiddos in my life . . . here is a onesie I made for one of our nieces last Christmas using the JOTS cartridge.  Click here to see more details.

And last, but not least, is a candle holder featuring poinsettias cut from the JOTS cartridge.  This is one of those projects that I wasn't too sure was going to turn out the way I envisioned it.  I love the way it looks -- very elegant with the gold and ivory!  Click here to see the details on the original post.  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope that I've inspired you to pull out your Joys of the Season cartridge and create!  Want even more ideas?  Then head on over to and check out what Court created too!

Make sure you mark your calendars!  December 1st kicks off's 3rd Annual 25 Days of Christmas Crafting with 25+ Designers, daily freebies, tons of holiday inspiration and weekly prizes.  You won't want to miss it!

~ Jen

1 comment:

  1. Jen,

    Showcase is an understatement for this. WOW! You have rally been working hard and the projects are beautiful. I would expect nothing less.

