Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"The Real Meaning of Christmas" Challenge

The challenge that Melin at Cooking With Cricut set before us this week was to create something that represents the real meaning of Christmas.  It needed to feature a manger, nativity, angels, Christ's birth or some other Christian theme.  

I decided to create a board book for my daughter.  Using her Children's Bible, I retold the story of Christ's birth -- but from the angel Gabriel's viewpoint.  Believe it or not, I only used two Cricut cartridges for this entire project --Paper Doll Dress Up and Plantin SchoolBook. 

Front Cover

The board book measures 6" x 6" square and I don't remember where I purchased it from (I've had it for a number of years). 

All of the card stock used was from my scrap paper "stash."  The patterned papers are as follows:  Covers - Colorbok, Blue Celebrations; Pages 1, 2, 11 and 12 - Paper Pizazz, Clouds; Pages 3, 4, 5 and 6 - Scrap-Ease, Granite Blue; and Pages 7, 8, 9 and 10 - Paper Pizazz, Blue Sponged.  These papers have been hanging around my paper cabinet for years (since the late 90's at least)!  The stamp on the front cover is another oldie but goodie by PSX.

(Remember, you can make the pictures larger by clicking on them.)

Pages 1 and 2

Pages 3 and 4

Pages 5 and 6

Pages 7 and 8

Pages 9 and 10

Pages 11 and 12

Back Cover

I tried to keep the story simple enough for a beginning reader, without being too "babyish."  At 6 years old, Demi has a real aversion to anything she considers to be "babyish"  -- "I'm a big girl now, Mom, not a baby!"  is a constant comment at our house these days. 

Please pop on over to Cooking With Cricut and see what my fellow "Chefs" have cooked up!  And don't forget to check back there every day until Christmas for Melin's 25 Days of Cricut ideas and free cut files.

I hope you enjoyed my little story and whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, something else or nothing at all . . . my wish for you and yours all year long is that you may have hope, find peace, and experience the love of family and friends.

Merry Christmas!


  1. Oh wow! This is amazing! Could I commission you to make another one for my daughter? ;)
    Great work!

  2. This is great. Thanks for sharing it with us over at FCCB.

  3. This is an amazing project! What a great keepsake. I really love this project!
    ~Madison CWCDT

  4. Awesome book! It makes me smile and must have made your daughter smile too! You are very inspiring, thank you so much for sharing this with us at PPC this week.

    Tamie - PPC DT

  5. This is just stunning! What a beautiful gift :)

  6. Jennifer, this is amazing and what a great gift to give! I'm sure your daughter will treasure it forever.

  7. What a wonderful gift for your daughter. I'm sure she'll treasure it for many years to come. TFS. I hope you enjoyed a restful and joyous Christmas. And my prayer is that you will have a blessed New Year.

    Christel a.k.a Scrappin' Sista
    Sista Chef

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Love this project!!! Beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing:) I'm now a follower Yay!!! I'm excited to see your next creation. I hope you can stop by my blog as I'm part of a blog hop on Dec 30th and 31st and I will be giving away a Cricut cartridge!! I hope to see you there:) Happy New Year!!!

  10. This is such a wonderful, wonderful book! I think it's a lovely idea that you've put this together for your daughter. The story is a beautiful one and one that needs to be shared in the busyness of the holidays. Thanks so much for sharing this at Fantabulous Cricut too.
