Friday, December 17, 2010

A Visit to Santa

We took our six year old daughter and our seven month old grandson to see Santa Claus at the local Mall today.  It was the first year that Demi actually sat on Santa's lap without tears or bribes!  And it was Dylan's first trip to see the jolly old elf.  They both looked so cute, I just had to share a picture or two!

Demi's very first Christmas she was just 8 months old.  We took her to the Mall to visit Santa and she was totally enamoured.  She couldn't figure out who this guy with the white beard, glasses and funny looking hat was.  I managed to capture the most precious picture -- it remains one of my most favorite pictures  I've ever taken . . .

Demi, Christmas 2004

. . . until today.  This picture is a close second . . .

Dylan, Christmas 2010
Dylan, at 7 months old, is not quite sure who the old guy with the beard is either!  I couldn't believe it when he looked up at Santa -- and I couldn't believe I was able to capture it.  There is nothing quite like seeing an old, familiar figure through the eyes of a child! 

My wish for you and yours this holiday season is that you may recapture the joy, the awe, and the innocence of Christmas.  May a Christmas song sung by a choir or your favorite artist bring a tear to your eye, may a child's Christmas morning glee bring a smile to your face, may the time spent with family and friends fill you heart with joy and may the true spirit of Christmas bring you comfort and peace.

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