Charlotte at A Little Bit of Detail sent me "A Thing of Beauty Award." In her blog post she wrote that she was selecting me and my little blog because I have such a wide variety of projects. And each and every one of them are first class fabulous. WOW! Thank you, Charlotte! I am honored that you think so highly of your Gator neighbor!

There are some Rules of Acceptance for the Award!
- You can right click on the award and save it to your desktop so it can be added to your blog.
- Choose 5 worthy Recipients and list them. Give a reason why you think their blog or work is special
- Then list 5 things about yourself including one thing you enjoy about crafting.
One small request. It is not a rule, but Grace would greatly appreciate a link back to her blog attached to the award badge when you display it on your site. Grace has kept the requirements few and simple so people will not feel it is a chore to accept the award. It is meant to be fun and encouraging! Since there are only 5 recipients each time, select them carefully and thoughtfully.
So here are my five (in no particular order):
- Melissa at Disney Dreamer Designs. I love visiting Melissa's blog ~ not only is her artwork inspiring, but you can tell how much she loves her family and life.
- Melin at Cooking With Cricut. I have the honor of serving on Melin's Design Team, but that's not why I chose her. Melin is uber talented, generous, and has a heart of gold. And while I've never met her in person, she's one of those people who you know would be your BFF.
- Ronnie at Paper Creations: The Journey Within. This is one talented lady! Her altered art projects are simply amazing and she has become a wonderful mentor and friend.
- Heather at House Built of Cards. This talented gal makes and sells her cards to raise money to build homes for widows and orphans in Burundi through a ministry called Sister Connection. One hundred percent of whatever is donated toward the purchase of one of her cards goes directly to this ministry. I think it is fantastic that she is able to do something she loves while helping women and children in need!
- Susan at Busy With the Cricky. Another uber talented lady who generously shares her cutting files. She also has excellent video tutorials.
OK. That was hard! There are so many talented people and so many wonderful blogs that I could have listed 50!
Five things about me:
Five things about me:
- My soul mate, the love of my life, and I will celebrate our 10th anniversary on Sunday. I thank God every day for bringing Dee into my life.
- I love to create ~ if I'm not crafting then I'm thinking about my next project.
- I love to teach others to craft. Most recently I taught a group of seven 5, 6 and 7 year olds how to make different paper crafts. We all had a blast!
- I'm one of "those" people who can sit down at a new computer program and have it working in about 10 or 15 minutes without ever picking up a manual or doing a tutorial.
- I love to take pictures -- always have; even back in the day when all I had was one of those Kodak Instamatics -- you know, in the dark ages when we had to take our film to be developed. GASP!
Thanks again, Charlotte!
~ Jen
Awwww thank you Jen for the wonderfully kind words and the award! I am going to save this to my computer til I have time to figure out who I would like to pass it onto! Thanks for making my day!!!
Oh thank you so much! What a beautiful surprise, and wonderful words you have said. Thank you very much. I would be honored and proud to display this badge. Thank you for bringing me beauty, and kindness in a week filled with computer problems.
Congrats on the blog award!
Congrats on the blog award!
Ok, So I know this is random BUT...I found your blog when searching minnie mouse bday parties and you obviously are very talented and crafty...I want to do my daughter's 2nd bday in minnie mouse and I have been thinking about getting a cricut and I just don't really know what to get (there are like 4 differ ones) and I am wanting to use the minnie head (like you did on your cupcakes) so I don't know which cartridge I will need...HELP I need advice! And the banner you made did you use several differ cartidges or just one? I have never used a cricut before so I am kind of intimidated by it!
Jen, I am here checking out your blog as you are one of the recipients of my award, "A Thing of Beauty". The reason I ask recipients to link the award back to me is so that I can enjoy the results of others passing it on to people whose work they appreciate. Your friend Charlotte made a good choice is picking you to receive the award. Congrats!
Grace Baxter
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